Week 5 Journal

Chase Roberts
Week 5 Journal Entry
               This course so far has been interesting for me. Its not your typical college course. This course kind of goes against the typical grain of preparing you to work for someone else. Instead it encourages the idea of working for yourself and enjoying the benefits of that. I feel like I have had a unique upbringing because my dad is an entrepreneur. We have seen first hand the pros and cons of that. Seeing what I have seen, I feel like most of the principles we cover in this class are reinforcing what I already know. Which is what I need.

               I need the reinforcement. I need the kick in the rear to get moving. This class has got me thinking a lot about my future, where we want to be, where we want to raise our kids, etc. Not that I didn’t think about it before, just that I hadn’t clearly defined it before. I think using the 3 questions that the older age group in “A Heroes Journey” mentioned will guide my life in the way it needs to go. The next step for me will be implementing what Ive learned and finding that purpose for my life. I feel like working for someone else wont let me achieve that. I look forward to actually letting loose and getting aggressive in pursuing our goals. 
